AC Pros Air Conditioning and Plumbing

(512) 550-7422
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The Cold Truth: Mold in Home AC Systems and Winter Woes in Cedar Park, Texas

AC unit outside house by brick wall

Introduction As winter approaches in Cedar Park, Texas, homeowners prepare to cozy indoors. However, amidst the chilly weather, a hidden threat may lurk in your home’s HVAC system – mold. While it’s a common misconception that mold only thrives in warm, humid conditions, the winter season can exacerbate the issue. In this blog, we’ll explore […]

What Are Zone Control Systems?

Green modern master bedroom with air conditioner

Some like it hot! Others, not so much. If you have a large home with multiple stories or a large household with family members who prefer different temperatures, consider installing a zone control system. A zone control system—or zoning—only provides the necessary cooling or heating that each zone in your Texas home needs at the […]

Energy Saving Tip 3

a woman standing in front of a kitchen with a plant in a pot.

Close your blinds on sun-facing windows during the day to keep the sun from heating up your home and causing your AC to use more energy

How an Air Handler Works

How an Air Handler Works - Close up image of HVAC system units with fans. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning concept. 3D illustration

Meet the air handler. It has a starring role in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry.

Energy Saving Tip 2

Image of ceiling fan. Video - Energy Saving Tip 2.

Turn on your ceiling fan when you’re home while raising the temperature on your thermostat to save energy costs and keep your home feeling cool. Make sure that your fan is rotating counter clockwise to blow the air straight down and therefore feel cool.

AC and Allergies

High angle shot of a young businessman feeling ill at his work desk

Looking for additional methods to stop allergens from inhabiting your home? AC Pros has a team of home comfort experts ready to find the perfect solution for your lifestyle.

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